Artist Spotlight: Lucy Reiser
Posted on 11 October 2017
Ever since I was little, I have been painting and exploring an endless array of artistic practices, landing me where I am today, as an abstract impressionist painter.

Like PSP founder Derek, I am a graduate of Georgia College, where I studied studio art with a concentration in painting. I currently reside in the mountains of western North Carolina, but am a native of the Peach State, and lived in Marietta, Milledgeville and Atlanta for a collective twenty three years prior to moving (slightly) north.

Both my maternal and paternal grandmothers were working artists for most of their adult lives, and I grew up in a family where having a studio in the sunroom, canvases, brushes and buckets of paint water on the table were as commonplace as the books and television in the next room.

Along with different types of art including textile and music, I hold a deep fascination with the natural world. Spending time in the outdoors is therapeutic, clarifying, spiritually refreshing, and offers unparalleled inspiration. Thankfully I live in a city whose outdoors practically beg to be explored (Brevard is nestled between Pisgah National Forest and DuPont State Forest), and where art, music, and craft are woven into the Appalachian culture. The paintings I create are inspired by colors and textures found in each of these fascinations, from the pages of Vogue to the flowers in garden beds, and my experiences engaging with these things.

In my impressionistic landscape work, I draw from these experiences and create pieces that serve as invitations to embrace exploration, play, rest, and stillness. Even my abstract work is often a reflection on the mystery in creation. Whatever the subject, all my work is intended to serve as a reminder of the Good and Beautiful.
Lucy Reiser
Guest Post By Lucy Reiser